
Gas leakage detector systems carry a positive objective that can be accomplished and might affect the world. The objectives consist of:

i.                     To upgrade and improve the existing system and device to detect any presence of flammable gas in         all industry or home.

ii.                     To reduce potential hazardous and prevent any major damage and accident in our country.

iii.                     To make sure all the data collected by all type of sensor involved continuously and it will be processed without any failure.

iv.                     To enhance a better function of the system in the future.

v.                     To expand the radius of detecting gas comparing with the existing system.

The characteristic of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is flammable. By using the gas leakage detector, a presence gas such as butane or propane can be detected. It is part of the project purpose. Otherwise, this project able to:

i.         Reduce and avoid any possible incident especially explosion.

ii.       Avoid any major damage to the buildings.

iii.      To prevent serious injuries and breathing difficulties among the factory employees.

iv.   Reduce the global warming

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