120 as power transistor
A transistor is a semiconductor which is a
fundamental component in almost all electronic devices. Transistors have many
uses including switching, voltage or current regulation and amplification.
Transistor controls a large electric output signal with changes to a small
input signal. Since a large amount of current can be controlled by a small
amount of current, a transistor acts as an amplifier. Transistor also acts as
switch which can open and close many times per second.
The TIP120 also known as Darlington transistor. It
was designed as a medium power switching transistor and can be used to switch a
motor on and off. This type of transistor can use a small current to switch and
amplify a much larger current to the motor or other load such as buzzer. The
controlling pin on the transistor or base is sensitive to too much current, so
the circuit required a 1k Ω or 2.2kΩ resistor coming from the output pin into
TIP120. This transistor coupled with a motor power supply and will allow the
circuit to run a DC motor and empower the circuit to activate many other
devices. Therefore, for this project i used a TIP120 because it can pass more current
especially if i add a heat sink on the transistor and handle larger load.